ACCESS Tampere Vieras Galleria All Puhujat Taiteilija Työpaja Elämä on maraton, ei sprintti! Taiteilijatapaaminen Special eSports Tampereen nuorisovaltuusto (NUVA) Silence Radio “I is the other” Tampere Intercultural Art (TIcA) Kölvi-Toiminta Eero Enqvist & Dawn Jani Birley Armas / Angel Dell Serendipity: Ale’s project and Beyond TACCU – Tampere Accessibility Unit KSI Tampere Everybody can dance! yes, that includes YOU! Highlights from an inclusive arts project aimed at creating contact This Stage is Ours, Korea Load More Loading More... You’ve reached the end of the list
Everybody can dance! yes, that includes YOU! Highlights from an inclusive arts project aimed at creating contact