Vimmart -Inclusive Art School

All Vimmart’s student bands will be taking over the Stage: Grilli, Hyytävä, Satumaa, Armottomat, Power Diamonds, Tornado and Punkki. Welcome to this atmospheric evening!

Vimmart is an Inclusive Art School from Tampere,Finland and it was established in 2006.  Vimmart offers equal opportunities for everybody to study and enjoy art. Our pedagogy aims to highlight inclusion and the school is open for all people regardless of your age, gender, background or the need of support. The goal is to give equal rights for everybody to have high-quality art education in a progressive way. At the same time we aim to give people tools to integrate into all parts of society.  We want to shake out the norms of society and give a platform for all people to show their creative potential.

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