ACCAC Finland and ACCAC Belgium together with the City of Tampere and Asse Municipality will organise an official NEB FEST side event on Saturday 11th of June in Asse, Belgium.
Time: 11th June: 11am – 3pm
Venue: Villa de Vis (Inclusive Art Center)
Address: Waalborrepark, Parklaan 24-1730 Asse- Belgium
Distance to Brussels: 15 km by direct bus and train
Partners: City of Tampere & Tampere EU Office, Municipality of Asse
Other stakeholders: ACCAC France, ACCAC Cameroon, Music Tech Fest, Contact Erasmus, Open Minds Erasmus
The event will include an open stage for various inclusive concerts, performances and workshops. The seminar session will focus on the topic of radical inclusion of the youth with methodology presentations and a panel discussion. Performances and workshops will be run by various professionals from the ACCAC network and beyond.
The goal is to bring people from different backgrounds, cultures, and various different needs together, all as equal and to start developing a strong youth network of creative minds. ACCAC NEB Fest for Youth is also the kickoff and international marketing event of the ACCAC Next Generation Festival to be held in Tampere, Finland in April 2023.
Programme 11-15
All times are estimations
See also other activities in the park below
Welcoming words, Dahlia Pessemiers (ACCAC Belgium)
Open call for ACCESS Tampere 2023 Festival,
Kirsi Mustalahti, Anniina Lehtipuu, Aro Toroi, Odette Lukkarinen (ACCAC Finland)
11:15 – 13:15
- Clownery workshop, Jarmo Skön (ACCAC Finland)
- Hip hop workshop, Tchina Ndjidda (ACCAC Cameroon)
- Radical Inclusion and Methodology (Open Minds Erasmus)
CROSS dance performance, Tchina Ndjidda (ACCAC Cameroon)
Poetry Dance by Silence Radio Collective Elena Birykova & Sandra Delgadillo (ACCAC Belgium)
Cafe still open in Villa de Vis for sharing and coffee
Activities in the Park
Presentation of the Radical Inclusion for Youth methodology and testing of the developed CARDS
How can a card game support the endeavor of promoting radical inclusion? Come visit Waalborrepark and Villa de Vis to find out more! Open Minds creates a radically inclusive and transnational European youth network for creative problem solving, addressing diversity, social innovation, inclusion, and accessibility.