ACCAC Finland would like to welcome its international network, amazing performers and interesting speakers from more than 20 countries to Tampere. We want to create an event that is suitable for everyone, including a touching programme, energetic concerts and new openings in the fields of accessible technology and innovations.

Each and every one of us is part of our culture. Culture belongs to everyone who makes and experiences it. Art has value itself, but it also plays a major role in promoting the well-being of people. Art and culture help us to better understand each other and they provide a natural way to share communication and emotions. Positive experiences are like endorphins for our brains, and common experiences build a sense of community, diversity and participation for all.

The world is changing very quickly, and our global community is facing new challenges. Rather than letting things like climate change, increased terrorism, and new health threats such as the coronavirus make our world more selfish and self-centred, I hope our global community will embrace the change. 

We need a shared mission that has nothing to do with politics or religion. Diversity touches every one of us and all parts of our community. We can use it to change the world and our point of view. We need to understand that everything in the world that happens to one of us affects all of us. Equality can also help us learn to respect cultures and different ways of operating.

Here at the ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival, we’re going to focus on making every participant and performer feel welcome just the way they are. Customer service that is diverse and respects everyone is important to us. We will also ensure that all of our event staff and volunteers are trained, aware of our values, and committed to implementing them with a friendly and open attitude. I’m certain that every participant will feel safe at the discrimination-free ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival.

We‘re building an environment in which the diverse colours of cultures can shine bright, good experiences can build new bridges to the future, and art and culture can improve the global atmosphere.

Welcome to Tampere!

Kirsi Mustalahti
Founder of ACCAC